I discovered the online art classes with Judy during the shelter-in-place order and they have become the best part of our day. I do the classes with my girls and it has been so fun discovering our different styles. The classes are a time to create, to escape the worries of the world. Judy is talented, patient and encouraging. We are so grateful to have found this!
Rachel, Birmingham, MI
The art classes with Judy while quarantined at home, have been a very bright place in our day. My girls (7&9) look forward to doing the classes. It is a time where I know the girls will be occupied and happy, and I am able to join them in doing the art or accomplish something else. Plus I love the art wall we have added to the house. Many thanks, Judy and Rachel for putting this program together during such a difficult time.
Sarah, Campbell, CA

Judy is one of the most talented artists and designers I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Having worked side by side with Judy at Ralph Lauren, I was able to quickly tell she is not only a master in the arts, she is also a mentor, nurturing growth and comfort within any environment she is in
Valerie, New York
The Paint Box is a safe and fun place to leave your child. The creativity is endless. My 6 year old daughter had her first drop off ever lol she loved every Minute. she can't wait to start camp here next week. She was also thrilled about the Pizza & ice cream and was quite full.
Lisa, New Jersey